ようちえん: 入れる子どもの年・かかるお金
「ほいく園」「子ども園」に入るためには 親が仕事をしているなどの条件があります。
公立 |
私立 |
やっているところ |
国・都道府県・自治体 | 学校法人 などの団体 |
1年にかかる平均の保育料 (2016年のでーた) |
¥234,000 | ¥482,000 |
給食・お弁当 |
園によってちがう | |
バス |
なし | 園によってちがう |
名前 |
意味 | だいたいの金額 (私立の場合) |
入園金 |
入園の手続きにかかるお金 |
¥150,000-200,000 |
制服代・体操服代・かばん代等 |
幼稚園で決められている制服や体操服・ かばん等のお金 |
¥50,000くらい |
教材費 |
幼稚園で使う紙や絵の具、粘土などのお金 | ¥15,000くらい (1年) |
保育費 |
子どもを保育するお金 | ¥20,000-30,000 (1ヶ月) |
遠足代 |
遠足の時のバス代など | ¥4,000-6,000くらい(1回) |
給食費 |
(給食がある幼稚園だけ) | ¥3,000くらい(1ヶ月) |
バス代 |
(バスがある幼稚園だけ) | ¥3,000-4,000くらい(1ヶ月) |
保護者会費 |
保護者会の運営にかかるお金 | ¥7,000-8,000くらい(1年) |
寄付金 |
私立の幼稚園には、寄付金があるところがあります。 | 幼稚園によりかなり違う |
対象は保育費だけです。条件もあります。 (給食費などは自分で払います)
条件など、詳しいことは 政府のこのページに書いてあります。
"Youchien" are one kind of the preschools for the children between 3-5 years old.
There are also "Hoiku-en" and "Kodomo-en". Read another post here for their differences.
"Hoiku-en" and "kodomo-en" are for the children of working parents, and
they need to clear the criteria to enter.
On the other hand, there is no such criteria for "youchien".
Ages of the "Youchien" children
The children between 3-6 years old can go to the youchien.
The class is based on the age of the child for the fiscal year.
For example, the ages of the children for the 2021 fiscal year will be:
Pre-youchien is a class for the 2-years-old and 3-years old children.
They will go to youchien 1-2 times a week. (The school hours are often short.)
If there is a youchien that may be good for your child, it is nice to go to pre-youchien class of the youchien
and experience the actual time there.
It's also good for the young children to get accostumed to their life at youchien.
"3-nen hoiku" and "2-nen hoiku"
Parents can choose either style for the child.
What's the difference between public and private schools?
There are two types of youchien: public and private.
However, the number of public youchien is much smaller than the private ones.
Public | Private | |
Management | Country, Prefecture, Local government | Institutions and/or companies |
Average school cost per year (as of 2016) | ¥234,000 | ¥482,000 |
School lunch, obento | Depend on youchien | |
School bus | No school bus | Depend on youchien |
How Much Will It Cost in Total ?
This is a list of typical charges at youchien.
The amount differs from youchien to youchien.
We may get handover schol uniforms from mom-friends - it will be a quite cost saver!
Item | Description |
Average amount (at private youchien) |
Nyuen-kin | Enrollment cost | ¥150,000-200,000 |
School uniform, P.E. uniform, school bag, and others | Expense for school uniform, P.E. uniform, or bag, and others that are regulated at some youchien | approx. ¥50,000 |
Stationeries | Paper, crayons, clay and other items | approx. ¥15,000 (/year) |
Hoiku-hi | Childcare expense | ¥20,000-30,000 (/month) |
Field trip | Bus charge etc. for field trip | ¥4,000-6,000(/trip) |
School lunch | (Applicable for some youchien that provide school lunch) |
approx. ¥3,000 (/month) |
School bus | (Applicable for some youchien that provide bus service) | approx. ¥3,000-4,000(/month) |
Parent association | Organizational cost for the parent association | approx. ¥7,000-8,000(/year) |
Donation | Some private youchien ask for donations. | Quite different by youchien. |
It Will Cost a Lot ... But We Have a Large Governmental Support Now (since 2019)
The Japanese government has started to offer the subsidy since 2019 and
the childcare expense becomes almost free.
We can find details on the website here. (Multilingual site available)
こちらもどうぞ More on MarMar: