あかちゃんをうんだままの こころとからだ
Postpartum Mind and Body - Let Us Proudly Get Support! -
家族やともだちに さぽーとしてもらって、ゆっくりすごしましょう。
「しっかりした まま に なろう!」とがんばりたくなりますが、
あかちゃんがねているときには じぶんもめをとじて、
それに... あかちゃんが おおきくなったら、ねていられません!
日本に親せきがいないひとは、しんぱいなこともあると おもいます。
役所や病院にも、いろいろなさぽーとが あります。
たとえば このようなさぽーとがあります。
After the Delivery, Moms Are Much, Much More Tired Than You Think.
Huge change in hormone balance can cause postpartum crisis in both
mind and body - postpartum depression is known as one of these symptoms.
Let us get support from the family and friends, and take a good rest.
New moms may want to get up and be the BEST MOM, however,
close your eyes to take a rest while your baby sleeps.
This is one of the very important missions of moms in this stage of motherhood.
And - you will not have chance to take this good rest soon after your baby is bigger.
Have some while you can!
If your families live afar, it is natural that you feel even more worried.
You can get supports from your local government, hospital, and
private services.
It is not embarassing or something weak to ask for help.
Let us proudly have supports !
Some of the Supports You May Want to Use:
You are not alone. We are with you.
Please contact us from here whenever you have anything!
こちらもどうぞ More on MarMar: